Gratitude Signature Blend

Signature Blend #4
The Power of Affirmation
Giving a voice to positive energy with daily affirmations will greatly influence your subconscious mind, drive your affirmation into movement, and bring it to life. Speaking the affirmation mentally or aloud increases inspiration and draws in joy and gratification. They are extremely useful for building new routines, making productive changes, and fulfilling intentions.
Our words affect the body, mind, heart, and soul. Persistent negative affirmations is what we call negative self talk. It only fuels more difficulties by letting problems become the focus rather than solutions. The way we construct the conversations we have with ourselves determines helpful or harmful outcomes. Your subconscious mind receives your inner self talk as truth and attracts parallel experiences into your life. So why not choose happy words to create happy results?
Positive affirmations are an act of self love! Begin an affirmation practice to show yourself kindness and relish in gratitude for all that is good. Let it become apart of your daily routine to cultivate cheer & bring your words to fruition. Pair your affirmations with deep inhales of a pure essential oil blend that radiates uplifting energy.
Check out these brilliant blends that will help you feel positive while you speak positive.
Diffuser Blend
3 drops Bergamot
3 drops Lemon
2 drops Orange
2 drops Eucalyptus
Skin Application Blend
(in a 10 ml roll on bottle)
7 drops Lavender
6 drops Bergamot
6 drops Chamomile
5 drops Geranium
4 drops Orange
*combine with a gentle carrier oil such as Sweet Almond or Jojoba oil*
Purchase 100% pure essential oils, carrier oils, glass roll on bottles, and oil diffusers at the BYou Wellness Store where a percentage of your purchase supports the eradication of human trafficking. Much love & light from the BYou family! Happy blending!