Franny Long
Yoga Health Coach, Francoise “Franny” Long is a classically trained chef, RYT 500 certified Yoga instructor, a certified Health Coach, certified Pilates instructor intern, and an enthusiastic wellness advocate.
Her focus on complete wellness, body, mind and spirit was reframed after a breast cancer diagnosis in 2016. After years working in commercial kitchens and running hundreds of miles training for marathons, she realized that food and exercise are not the only pillars of optimal health.
Francoise took a deep dive in search of the root causes of dis-ease in the body and mind. Incorporating yoga, meditation and honing in on true nutrition she continues to offer guidance and encouragement to everyone she encounters.
Francoise is so grateful to join forces with the wellness team at Brilliantly You to provide tangible, realistic and simple tools for vibrant health.
As a wife, mother of two and lover of life I am so excited to cheer YOU on in remembering and rekindling your brilliant inner light.